AAGC Gifted Podcasts



AAGC is pleased to announce our monthly podcast. Gifted Chat is a 15-20 minute conversation with leaders in the field of gifted discussing topics important to them. Then after you listen to the podcast, join the conversation on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/AAGCGiftedChat. Each Gifted Chat episode will have a separate post on FB with questions to continue the conversation and share ideas and resources.  

Think Like a....where we will explore different professions to see what it takes to be successful.  We hope you will join us each month to listen to a conversation with a professional in a career.  We will learn what skills are required to be successful and education requirements, and what you really do in this career.

Season 2: Episode 1 - Dr. Joy Lawson

Season 2 has started! We begin 2023 with Dr. Joy L Davis discussing equity in gifted education and cultural competency.  Joy Lawson Davis, EdD, is the award-winning author and expert scholar in Diversity & Equity in Gifted & Advanced Learner Programs. She is a leader in gifted education at the local, state, national, and international levels. Dr. Davis not only has the knowledge and wisdom, but has the experience in gifted education, as a gifted teacher. Two of her must-have books are Bright, Talented, & Black: A Guide for Families of African American Gifted Learners and Empowering Underrepresented Gifted Students: Perspectives from the Field. Click to listen here. 

Season 1: Episode 1 of Gifted Chat: Emily Hurst & Ashley Strickland, Gifted Directors at ALSDE

Join this session with the Gifted Education Specialists at the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), Emily Hurst and Ashley Strickland, as they talk about the continuum of services for gifted learners. They discuss training for general education teachers and how specialists can provide services for gifted students in Grades K-12. Once you listen to the podcast, go to the Facebook page to join the conversation at AAGC Gifted Chat Podcast.

Season 1: Episode 2: Dr. Brian Housand, Gifted 360 & Coordinator of the Academically or Intellectually

Join this session with Dr. Brian Housand as he talks about CONNECTIONS on many, different levels. Gifted children need connections with intellectual peers who share interests and teachers of gifted need connections with other gifted teachers. You may find other connections within the discussion and hopefully, you will make a connection! 

Once you listen to the podcast, go to the Facebook page to join the conversation at https://www.facebook.com/AAGCGiftedChat. You can learn more by following us at alabamagifted.org and on Instagram and Twitter-@alabamagifted.

To learn more about Dr. Housand, check out his website: https://www.brianhousand.com/

Season 1: Episode 3: Dr. Patti Ferguson Wood

Join the discussion with Dr. Patti Ferguson Wood about Gifted readers and instruction. She shares resources to use with high ability and gifted readers, too! This is a "must listen to "episode!

Click here to listen

Season 1: Episode 4: Lisa Van Gemert

Word! Why Gifted Kids Need Special Vocabulary Instruction

What vocabulary do you teach to your gifted students? Join Gifted Guru, Lisa van Gemert, as we discuss the importance of teaching vocabulary to gifted students. 

To learn more about Mrs. van Gemert's website on vocabulary https://vocabularyluau.com

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Season 1: Episode 5: Dr. Joni Lakin


Join Dr. Joni Lakin as she discusses services for gifted students as well as sharing data with general education teachers to provide services in the general education classroom.  You will learn why advanced math needs to start in middle school for students going into STEM and medical fields! Dr. Lake shares strategies gifted specialist can uses to help development and talent identification. 

Click here to listen

Season 1: Episode 6: Dr. Matt Makel


Join the conversation with Dr. Matt Makel, Associate Research Scientist in the School of Education at John Hopkins University, as we discuss "Why do we need gifted education?"  This episode is one of the longer chats as we discussed the need for gifted education an dhow to improve how we do gifted.

Click here to listen

Season 1: Episode 7: Dr. Emily Mofield


Join Dr. Emily Mofield, assistant professor from Lipscomb University,  as she discusses vertical differentiation for gifted and high-potential students. She shares a few strategies from her latest book, Vertical Differentiation for Gifted, Advanced, and High-Potential Students, and how they can be applied to reveal and cultivate talent in K-12 students. Emily uses the ABC's for differentiation of A-advance the content, B-build the buy-in, and C-create the challenge. Leave this chat wanting her new book, which is now available! You can follow Dr. Mofield on twitter: @MofieldEmily.

Click here to listen

Season 1: EPISODE 8: DR. Jaime A. Castello

Gifted Students with Trauma, Toxic Stress, and ACEs

Join the conversation with Dr. Jaime Castellano, Professor in the Department of Special Education at Florida Atlantic University, to identify and support students with trauma, toxic stress, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Learn strategies to support and locate services to help our gifted students and their families. Also, hear about the new edition of his book, Special Populations in Gifted Education. 

Click here to listen

Episode 11: Creativity and Al with Dr. Ron Beghetto 

Dr. Beghetto is an internationally recognized expert on human creativity and the possible in educational settings. He holds the Pinnacle West Presidential Chair and serves as a Professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. 

Dr. Beghetto is Editor for Review of Research in Education, Series Editor for Creative TheorY. and Action in Education (SP-ringer Books)., and has served as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Creative Behavior and a Creativity advisor for LEGO Foundation and the Cartoon Network. 

Dr. Beghetto is one of the Top 200 University-Based Scholars in Education 

(#85) based on the 2024 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings by Education Week. 

You can read more about Dr. Beghetto at 


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Episode 12: Sensory Needs of Gifted Children with Dr. Matt Zakreski

Matthew "Dr. Matt" Zakreski, PsyD is a high energy, creative clinical psychologist and professional speaker who utilizes an eclectic approach to meet the specific needs of his neurodivergent clients. He is proud to serve the Gifted community as a consultant, a professor, an author, and a researcher. He has spoken over 400 times all over the world about supporting neurodivergent kids. Dr. Zakreski is a member of Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC), and Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE). Dr. Zakreski graduated from Widener University's Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology (IGCP) in 2016. He is the co-founder of The Neurodiversity 

Collective: https://www.theneurodiversitycollective.com

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Learn what it takes to be an astrophysicist, and more specifically a heliophysicist for NASA. Meet Mitzi Adams, Assistant Manager of the Heliophysics and Planetary Science Branch. Mitzi Adams joined the NASA workforce in March, 1988 as a graduate co-op student and was made a permanent employee in January 1991, upon completion of the Master’s Degree. Ms. Adams primary research work involved the use of ground-based data from MSFC’s solar vector magnetograph. With the launch of Hinode in 2006, Ms. Adams switched the research emphasis to data acquired in space and she uses data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, launched in 2010. In addition to the research work, Ms. Adams supported Dr. John Davis with analysis from testing of the Solar X-ray Imager, built and tested at MSFC and launched in 2001 on the GOES-12 spacecraft.

Episode 2: NASA Education Specialist with Dr. Vemitra White-Alexander

Join us to hear what an education specialist at NASA does. She is a teacher but it is very different from being a classroom teacher at elementary, middle or high school. Dr. Vemitra White-Alexander will share her career, skills, and passion for teaching with us.

Episode 3: Young Adult Novelist with Roger Reid

Join us to hear how a Young Adult Novelist thinks and prepares to write. Roger Reid shares how he gets idea 

Episode 4: Paleontologist with Jun Ebersole

Have you ever wanted to look for dinosaur bones? Find out what paleontologists really do and the education required to be hired as a paleontologist.


Join Mr. Darious Davis as he explains what a Business Development Manager does at Meridian Clinical Research.  He could be considered a superhero because he helps save lives.   Listen to this podcast to find out how he does this.

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