Advocacy 101

Step One: Get to know your elected officials.  Making relationships with your elected officials is a way for them to see why gifted education is important! Find your elected officials by using this link.  Type in your entire address in the search bar.  Know who your Alabama legislature members are for your home and your school.  Those are the individuals you need to connect with concerning advocacy for your students/children. They represent you in Montgomery.  They set the education trust fund budget which funds your classroom.

Step Two:  

A. Find the email address and telephone number for your Senator here.   Click on their profile picture and you can find the mailing address.

B. Find the email address and telephone numbers of your House of Representative members here.  Click on their profile picture and you can find the mailing address.

We encourage you to call, write, text, reach out to them!   Invite them to your classroom to see all the amazing things your students/children are doing.  Follow them on social media and tag them of events/pictures you are sharing on your social media.

These are your Alabama Board of Education Members  


These are the members of the House Ways and Means Education Committee

These are the members of the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Members.  

When you post on social media - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc - use the hashtags #alabamagifted #AlabamaAchieves and please, always tag us @alabamagifted. We would love to share your stories and let the gifted story be known.

▪    Please make your opinions known to your legislator. Support gifted education in Alabama. Let legislators know you appreciate their support of gifted education.

▪   Phone calls and personal visits have a great impact followed by letters and emails. Please take the time to make a contact. Invite them to your school/classroom.

Local School Board Members have a great impact on curricular goals – have you told your Board members how much you appreciate the gifted programs in your school?

State of Alabama Board of Education - find your SBOE member and don't forget our Governor and let them know how much you appreciate the gifted programs and also the need for funding gifted education at the state level.

Share this with your legislators – Addressing the Urgent Need for State Funding of Gifted Education.

More to share What is a Gifted Student Worth?

Encourage your students and parents to write to their elected officials.  You can find the address of your House Representative and Senator at this website.  In the left-hand column is a place to type in your zip code to find who represents you and your school.  Following are samples letters you may use if you like, to adapt to your particular school and situation.

Sample letter for students

Sample Letter for Adults

House of Representatives by District

House of Representatives by Name

Senators by District

Senators by Name

Find your elected official by zip code

Alabama Board of Education Members 

AAGC Advocacy Videos

AAGC Advocacy video (.mov format)AAGC Advocacy video (.mp4 format)

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