Event details

Media, media, everywhere: How to help your child navigate the media they are consuming and creating.

  • April 09, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom

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Parent Webinar Series 

April 9, 2024, 6:00 pm CT

Media, media, everywhere: How to help your child navigate the media they are consuming and creating.

Children are inundated with media every day. We'll examine how parents can help teach their children media literacy, which is examining the different types of media consumed, understanding the messages conveyed, and understanding why the media was created. PBS LearningMedia offers several resources to help parents understand the world of media literacy and how to look at media critically. Parents will leave with a better understanding of how to help their children navigate what they are seeing and what they are creating.

Meet Tracey Carter

After teaching for 17 years, Tracey Carter began working in the education department at Alabama Public Television. She is an education specialist at APT and works primarily with those involved in K-12 education. While in the classroom, Tracey was a middle school Gifted Specialist and Language Arts teacher. She is also the mom of two boys who are identified as gifted. One is a freshman in high school and the other is a freshman in college. She lives in Shelby County with her husband, two boys, and two dogs.

Also, stay tuned for a special guest, Tammie Stewart, from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.  She will speak on scholarships for gifted students.

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Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87982275310?pwd=Syt4alZsOHI3Z1BOaUZvNVA2Q2xGQT09

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