Mission Statement
The Alabama Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) is an organization of parents, educators, and community stakeholders working together to advocate for education that meets the unique academic and affective needs of gifted children and youth in Alabama. AAGC is a state affiliate of the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC). In February of 1995, a group of educators, University professors, coordinators and teachers of gifted education, and the Alabama State Department Specialist in gifted education came together to discuss the need to establish an Alabama AAGC believes that gifted children and youth deserve the opportunity to achieve to their fullest potential. Gifted children and youth hold the promise of innovation and creativity that will shape our 21st century world. The moral imperative is to strengthen the culture, attitudes, and learning environments so that gifted learners will continue to enrich our world and nation with intellectual power as we face a changing future. AAGC has partnered with selected state legislators on bills, proposals, and policies that influence gifted education, particularly in the area of funding. While the State of Alabama has a mandate for identification and service for gifted learners, the majority of funds come from local school districts. AAGC has worked tirelessly to make gifted needs visible to state lawmakers in order to address the partially funded mandate. Progress is being made, but the efforts will continue to be necessary for funding concerns to be addressed. We applaud the commitment we have received from select members of the state legislature and will continue our advocacy for the needs of gifted learners in Alabama. |